Pattoo Hub and Spoke Linux Agents

The pattoo_agent_linux_hubd and pattoo_agent_linux_spoked daemons operate together to report on system performance.

  1. The pattoo_agent_linux_spoked runs on a remote server where it provides system performance data on a simple web page.
  2. The pattoo_agent_linux_hubd polls one or more pattoo_agent_linux_spoked enabled devices for data and reports this to the pattoo server.


These steps outline what needs to be done to get pattoo_agent_linux_hubd and pattoo_agent_linux_spoked working.

  1. Follow the installation steps in the Basic Installation file.
  2. Configure the pattoo.yaml configuration file following the steps in Configuration Guide. This file tells pattoo_agent_linux_hubd and pattoo_agent_linux_spoked, and all other agents, how to communicate with the pattoo server.
  3. Create a pattoo_agent_linux_hubd.yaml and a pattoo_agent_linux_spoked.yaml configuration file to manage each daemon. Details on how to do this follow.
  4. Start the desired daemons as explained in sections to follow. You may want to make these systemd daemons, if so follow the steps in the Basic Installation file.

Setting the Configuration Directory Location

pattoo_agent_linux_hubd and pattoo_agent_linux_spoked are standard pattoo agent and need their configuration directory defined by using the PATTOO_CONFIGDIR environmental variable. Here is how to do this from the Linux command line:

$ export PATTOO_CONFIGDIR=/path/to/configuration/directory

pattoo_agent_linux_hubd and pattoo_agent_linux_spoked clients will read respective pattoo_agent_linux_hubd.yaml and pattoo_agent_linux_spoked.yaml configuration files located this directory when PATTOO_CONFIGDIR is set.

You can automatically set this variable each time you log in by adding these lines to your ~/.bash_profile file.

export PATTOO_CONFIGDIR=/path/to/configuration/directory

Make sure that files in this directory are readable by the user that will be running standard pattoo agent daemons or scripts.

Configuring the Spoked Daemon

The pattoo_agent_linux_spoked is configured using the pattoo_agent_linux_spoked.yaml file. Let’s see how it is done.

ip_bind_port: 5000

Configuration Explanation

This table outlines the purpose of each configuration parameter

Config Option Description
ip_listen_address IP address on which the API server will listen. Setting this to will make it listen on all IPv4 addresses. Setting to "0::" will make it listen on all IPv6 configured interfaces. It will not listen on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses simultaneously. You must quote all IPv6 addresses. The default value is
ip_bind_port TCP port on which the API will listen

Operating the Spoked Daemon

The pattoo_agent_linux_spoked creates a web page on the device it runs to report on the device’s operating status.

You will need a pattoo_agent_linux_spoked.yaml configuration file in the PATTOO_CONFIGDIR directory before you start.

$ bin/ --help
usage: [-h] [--start] [--stop] [--status] [--restart]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --start     Start the agent daemon.
  --stop      Stop the agent daemon.
  --status    Get daemon daemon status.
  --restart   Restart the agent daemon.
  --force     Stops or restarts the agent daemon ungracefully when used with --stop or

Use these commands for general operation of the daemon.


Start the daemon using this command.

$ bin/ --start


Stop the daemon using this command.

$ bin/ --stop


Restart the daemon using this command.

$ bin/ --restart

Start Polling at Boot

Configuration Guide provides information on how to get the pattoo_agent_linux_spoked daemon to start at boot.


If you are running pattoo_agent_linux_spoked on your local system, then you can test it by pointing your browser to http://localhost:5000/pattoo-agent-linux/300 to view the system data. In this case 300 is a reference to the polling interval of the polling device. On a Linux system you should be able to see the results by using this command curl http://localhost:5000/pattoo-agent-linux/300 | json_pp or curl http://localhost:5000/pattoo-agent-linux/300 if you don’t have JSON Pretty Print installed.

Configuring the Hub Daemon

The pattoo_agent_linux_hubd is configured using the pattoo_agent_linux_hubd.yaml file. Let’s see how it is done.

NOTE: The indentations in the YAML configuration are important. Make sure indentations line up. Dashes ‘-‘ indicate one item in a list of items.

  - ip_address:
    ip_bind_port: 5000
  - ip_address:
    ip_bind_port: 5000

Configuration Explanation

This table outlines the purpose of each configuration parameter

Section Sub-Section Description
ip_devices   Section providing a list of IP addresses or hostnames running pattoo_agent_linux_spoked that need to be polled for data. You must specify an ip_address and TCP ip_bind_portfor each of these devices.
  ip_address The IP adrress of the remote ip_device.
  bind_port The TCP port on which the remote ip_device is listening.

Polling From Hubs to Spokes

Use pattoo_agent_linux_hubd to poll your devices. The daemon has a simple command structure below.

You will need a pattoo_agent_linux_hubd.yaml configuration file in the PATTOO_CONFIGDIR directory before you start.

$ bin/ --help
usage: [-h] [--start] [--stop] [--status] [--restart]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --start     Start the agent daemon.
  --stop      Stop the agent daemon.
  --status    Get daemon daemon status.
  --restart   Restart the agent daemon.
  --force     Stops or restarts the agent daemon ungracefully when used with --stop or

Use these commands for general operation of the daemon.


Start the daemon using this command.

$ bin/ --start


Stop the daemon using this command.

$ bin/ --stop


Restart the daemon using this command.

$ bin/ --restart

Start Polling at Boot

Configuration Guide provides information on how to get the pattoo_agent_linux_hubd daemon to start at boot.


Troubleshooting steps can be found in the PattooShared troubleshooting documentation