################### Configuration Guide ################### After installation, you will need to create a configuration file in a directory dedicated to ``pattoo``. ********************* Configuration Options ********************* There are two ways to configure ``pattoo``. These are the: #. Quick Method #. Expert Method Quick Method ============ Use the quick method if you are new to ``pattoo``. Run the ``setup/install.py`` script. The configuration values will be automatically set. Here's the command to run: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo setup/install.py install configuration Expert Method ============= This section goes into configuration parameters in great detail. Setting the Configuration Directory Location --------------------------------------------- By default, the configuration directory for all pattoo components is set to ``/etc/pattoo``, which is owned by the pattoo user Copy the Template to Your Configuration Directory ------------------------------------------------- You can create your first ``pattoo.yaml`` configuration file by copying the template file in the ``examples/etc`` directory to the ``/etc/pattoo`` location. **NOTE:** If a ``/path/to/configuration/directory/pattoo.yaml`` file already exists in the directory then skip this step and edit the file according to the steps in following sections. .. code-block:: bash $ cp examples/etc/pattoo.yaml.template \ /path/to/configuration/directory/pattoo.yaml The next step is to edit the contents of ``pattoo.yaml`` Edit Your Configuration ----------------------- Take some time to read up on ``YAML`` formatted files if you are not familiar with them. A background knowledge is always helpful. The ``pattoo.yaml`` file created from the template will have sections that you will need to edit with custom values. Don't worry, these sections are easily identifiable as they all start with ``PATTOO_`` **NOTE:** The indentations in the YAML configuration are important. Make sure indentations line up. Dashes '-' indicate one item in a list of items (if applicable). .. code-block:: yaml pattoo: log_level: debug log_directory: PATTOO_LOG_DIRECTORY cache_directory: PATTOO_CACHE_DIRECTORY daemon_directory: PATTOO_DAEMON_DIRECTORY system_daemon_directory: PATTOO_SYSTEM_DAEMON_DIRECTORY language: en pattoo_agent_api: ip_address: ip_bind_port: 20201 Configuration Explanation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This table outlines the purpose of each configuration parameter .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Section - Config Options - Description * - ``pattoo`` - - This section defines the locations of key directories for both operation and troubleshooting * - - ``log_directory`` - Path to logging directory. Make sure the username running the daemons have RW access to files there. * - - ``log_level`` - Default level of logging. ``debug`` is best for troubleshooting. * - - ``cache_directory`` - Directory of unsuccessful data posts to ``pattoo`` * - - ``daemon_directory`` - Directory used to store daemon related data that needs to be maintained between reboots * - - ``system_daemon_directory`` - Directory used to store daemon related data that should be deleted between reboots. This should only be configured if you are running ``pattoo`` daemons as ``systemd`` daemons. The ``systemd`` daemon installation procedure automatically adjusts this configuration. This parameter defaults to the ``daemon_directory`` value if it is not configured. * - - ``language`` - Language spoken by the human users of ``pattoo``. Defaults to ``en`` (English) * - ``pattoo_agent_api`` - - This section provides information needed by ``pattoo`` agent clients when contacting the pattoo server * - - ``ip_address`` - IP address of remote ``pattoo`` server * - - ``ip_bind_port`` - Port of remote ``pattoo`` server accepting agent data. Default 20201. Agent Configuration ------------------- You will now need to configure each agent individually. See the :doc:`agent` file for details on how to configure each type of agent.